At the moment there are six internships at Linssen Yachts in different departments.

From left to right:
Sinem Kaptan, Fabiënne Maessen, Gijs Kessels, Bram Driessen, Senna Janssen and Stijn van Bree.

  • Sinem Kaptan is a 4th year student of Technical Business Administration at Fontys University of Applied Sciences and her assignment is CSRD mapping. She is in the administration office.
  • Fabiënne Maessen is a 4th year Industrial Design student at Fontys University of Applied Sciences and will develop an interior design, from her workplace in our business office.
  • Gijs Kessels is a 3rd year Mechanical Engineering student at Fontys University of Applied Sciences and is going to improve the process at Logicam Prefab. Gijs has his workplace at our Business Office.
  • Bram Driessen is a 3rd year Maritime Engineering student at NHL Stenden. Bram has an internship at our Business Office.
  • Senna Janssen is a 2nd-year Technical Business Administration student at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences. Senna's workplace is at the Logiwood department in Echt and will try to improve the process there.
  • Stijn van Bree is studying Entrepreneurial Furniture Maker, MBO noveau 4, at Summa College. He has a work placement in the Logicam department.

If you are interested in a intership with Linssen, please Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. from our HR department

Internship at Linssen Yachts
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